HPV Vaccination Campaign

Over the past four summers, I organized dance workshops to raise awareness and funds for the Women’s Cancer Association in Turkey. In the summer of 2022, the organization highlighted the dangers of HPV and its link to cervical cancer. Shockingly, seven women in Turkey were diagnosed with HPV daily, and three lost their lives to it.

Realizing the importance of the HPV vaccine, which was free in many countries but not in Turkey, I proposed a campaign to use dance to raise awareness and funds. We set a goal to vaccinate 500 girls, raising 1.1 Million Turkish Liras.

Our plan involved hosting dance workshops, collecting donations, securing sponsorships for events with live performances, and a social media dance challenge.

This project was driven by a desire to protect underprivileged children and empower them to safeguard their health through vaccination. It’s a testament to the power of collective action and a shared commitment to a vital cause.

Marka Conference

I had the honor of being a guest speaker at the MARKA Conference, Turkey’s leading platform for sharing ideas. At the event, I talked about my HPV dance project and the importance of educating people in Turkey.

During my speech, I danced to a song by the talented singer Gökçe, and we even created a simple dance routine for the audience to join in. This turned out to be a big success, as we launched a dance challenge with the song.

Social Media Project Launching

On September 20th, 2022, we launched the dance challenge on our respective social media accounts. Over 50 dancers participated within the first week and over 500k people watched the video which ultimately strengthened our goal of raising awareness.

Dormen Akademi (Academy)

My respected theater-actor grandfather in Turkey invited me to conduct a dance workshop at his school. I led a workshop for children aged 6-14, dancing alongside Gökçe, who sang during the event.

Dancing in my grandfather’s theater was a deeply emotional and unforgettable experience. Being able to perform in a place with so much historical and cultural significance to our family was a true privilege.

Interviews and Articles about Me

Being interviewed and featured in a newspaper for my efforts to raise awareness and funds for the HPV vaccine is a surreal and humbling experience. It serves as proof for the hard work and dedication I’ve invested in this cause. Reading the articles and seeing my words in print filled me with pride and a sense of accomplishment. It’s a reminder that even small actions can make a significant impact when fueled by passion and dedication.

Madame Tussauds

Conducting a dance workshop at Madame Tussauds Istanbul was an unforgettable experience aligned with our mission of raising HPV awareness and funds. The unique setting, surrounded by lifelike wax figures of iconic personalities, added an extra dimension to the workshop. The children’s eager faces and their infectious enthusiasm filled me with joy. Their interest in supporting the campaign while having fun was heartwarming.

Association for Supporting Contemporary Life

Leading a dance workshop with the “Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği” (Association for Supporting Contemporary Life) was a truly moving experience, and it felt even more meaningful considering the hardships these children have been through. They come from underprivileged families, many of whom lost their homes and loved ones in the devastating earthquake that struck in February.

The workshop was a beautiful moment of creativity, unity, and joy, giving these kids a chance to forget their troubles, even if just for a little while. Their dedication and enthusiasm warmed my heart, and I felt really lucky to be part of this with them.

What made this workshop extraordinary was that, thanks to our campaign, every child received the HPV vaccine for free after the workshop. It was an important step in taking care of their health, especially given the challenges they’ve faced.

End of The Project

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve not only met but exceeded our goal of vaccinating 1000 children against HPV within a year.

In addition, I had the opportunity to present our project at the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology in front of 1500 oncologists from around the world. This was a chance to talk abouıt the importance of HPV vaccination in preventing cervical cancer and share our successful journey.

During the conference, I gave a speech to all the people there and taught the dance routine to about 30 doctors from various countries.

Additionally, our collective efforts have prompted the Ministry of Health in Turkey to consider making the vaccine free, a significant step forward. The prospect of the vaccine being accessible at no cost in Turkey will make a big difference in public health, protecting countless lives.

Our project illustrates what can be accomplished when a community unites for a common purpose. It reinforces my belief in the power of collective action in improving the health and safety of future generations. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this achievement. My heart is so full and I am so incredibly happy.