I stumbled upon a post on Instagram that explained that there were auditions for a new musical being organized in honor of the 100th year of the republic and would become a regular performance at the prestigious Zorlu Performance Center, one of Turkey’s largest stages. Despite not having any exceptions, I decided to audition.
To my surprise, I was offered a spot among the chosen few from a pool of over 500 dancers. We embarked on a three-month rehearsal period, involving daily rehearsals that lasted nearly five hours each day. The experience of collaborating with professional dancers, some of whom have been in the industry for over two decades, was nothing short of extraordinary. I am the youngest dancer in the musical’s ensemble!
The production made its premiere on the 19th of March 2023 and has since become a regular show with performances happening at least 4-5 times a month at Zorlu Center.
The narrative of the musical is truly compelling, as it tells the tale of children who become lost in a museum, only to be transported back in time to May 19th, 1919, when Atatürk’s historic landing in Samsun marked the beginning of the War of Independence. The musical captures the essence of the national struggle that paved the way for the birth of the republic, 100 years ago!
The musical’s popularity is evident in its large audience, with over 3,000 seats at each show, and it’s exciting to note that almost every performance is fully booked. Additionally, I am delighted to announce that the 1923 musical was honored with the esteemed Afife Award, Turkey’s top theater prize.